Thursday, 29 March 2012

Assignment # 8 - Persecution

You have all been working diligently on your novel study assignments.  All of the novels show the trials and tribulations of a character and how he/she was treated unfairly.  Now that you have a better idea of what persecution is, I would like you to write about the type of persecution that occurred in your novel.  In your paragraph, make sure you explain the following:

1.)  What type of persecution occurred?
2.)  Who was affected and how was this person affected?
3.)  Who persecuted this person and why?
4.)  Why do you think this type of persecution was allowed to happen? 
5.)  If you could change what happened, what would you change and why?
6.)  How did it make you feel?  Explain in detail.  

*** Remember, these are just guidelines for your paragraph.  Don't forget to provide good support/examples/evidence for your points. ***
*** I fully expect you to write using proper spelling, grammar, capitals, sentence structure, etc. ***


  1. Just in case... Persecution is to be treated unfairly :) However, here is my paragraph-The type of persecution that occurred is, Iqbal was treated unfairly. How is that a persecution scene?. Well its a persecution scene because Hussein was giving hard work to the people working in the Carpet Factory, including Iqbal however, the person who was affected was all the people working for Hussein but most importantly Iqbal. This person was affected because he was very poor, no money and barely had food. The person who persecuted Iqbal is i think Hussein because he made them work so much in the Carpet Factory.What would you change and why??? I would change it into like the opposite Hussein the poor guy and Iqbal into the antoganist. Why you may ask? Well, so that Hussein can feel how all the other people feel when they are being treated unfairly all though, this made me feel happy because Hussein is being treated like he was treating Iqbal in the Carpet Factory.

    1. i belive that your paragraph is really good but a few things that u could change up are that some of your sentences are pretty long and that u should shorten them up a little bit. otherwise your paragraph is really good and u did a good job

  2. In the book 'Iqbal' the persecution that was happening, was slavery. Why was there slavery? Well, because Hussain Khan had took kids away from their families, and took them with him to a factory, forced to make carpets, working so hard their fingers would bleed and blister. There was many kids forced to work everyday, not being able to stop until night. I think this was aloud to happen because not many people knew this was even going on until Iqbal had told everyone, which is how it got people to try to end child slavery. The emotion I had from this book would be sadness, because it was a horrible thing the master had done to the kids, making them work so much, not even being able to see their families.

  3. In the book Iqbal there were a lot of signs of persecution, and i think that persecution was allowed to happen because people didn't know how to make it stop. Persecution means to be treated unfairly, and in the book the most common type of persecution that was slavery. Iqbal and the other children were affected by the persecution they were affected by getting locked up using the same knife to remove blisters, and they weren't allowed to explore, Hussain was the leader and he persecuted the children. Hussain was the antagonist character. I would change it to make the world a better place, and it made me feel really bad.

    1. i really like your comment but one thing that you could maybe explain next time is that when they use the same knife how does that effect anything in the persecution buty other wise it was good

  4. In the novel Iqbal it has one type of persecution which is slavery. This novel shows slavery because the master Hussain khan takes the children away from there families and forced them to make carpets so he can sell them to buyers. Hussan Khan is the one who is persecuting these chldren including Iqbal the main character of this story. I believe this happened because no one knew about it and if someone knew about it I bet they would try to stop this. I don't think many people agree with slavery because its a very bad thing and terrible to many people espcially the slaves. If I could change it I would make Hussain Khan be a slave to the children so he would learn how the children felt as slaves. It made me feel sad that Hussain Khan would be so mean to the children that they work till their fingers bleed and hurt. This is a type of persecution in the story Iqbal.

  5. In iqbal there was a type of persicution that i felt was there and that was slavery and bullying and how these occured were when they were working for husain khain and there was bullying when he would yell at them and tell them that they could be free if they worked hard and he would hit them. this persicution is really sad because they were hungry and tired and all beatin up. well another part was when iqbal was shot for no reason that is all of of the persicutions put in one.

    1. Capitalize Iqbal And you might also want to capitalize all your I's and also put capitals on Huisain Khan Also Iqbal and I dont think persicutions is a word so maybe change it to thats all of the percicution I read or something like that but good job

  6. In Iqbal a type of persecution is slavery because the children are put in a factory where they work all day and if they do one thing bad they are put in the "Tomb" for 3-5 days. They will sometimes get beaten instead of the "Tomb". It is sad that they are taken away from their families were they are promised to be free on day but they will never be free from here. This type of persecution is sad to read about.
