Monday, 26 March 2012

Assignment #6 - Emotions

The very definition of persecution is to be treated unfairly/unjustly.  Your novel evoked many different emotions throughout the different chapters.

1.) Choose one scene from the novel that clearly shows a form of persecution
2.) Explain which emotion(s) it evoked.
3.) Also, explain how it made you feel.

***You should respond in paragraph form following the criteria outlined in class.***


  1. In the book Iqbal there was a part that where it said that the not so smart kids were tied up.

    This made me feel quite bad because they were being treated so unfairly because they weren't smart and they couldn't work as fast or as well.

    It made me feel sad, and angry because if that were me I would think that i'm unimportant and I have no future.

  2. A part in the novel that shows persecution is when the master Hussein Khan, works them every night when they go to bed their fingers begin to bleed for what they do. Also they make carpets and he continusly promises that they will someday be free. When ever they do something wrong like get one wrong not they are put in some sort of tomb for a few days. It made me feel very sad for those kids who had to go through that.

    1. You did a great job on this assignment, but you may want to explain why it made you feel very sad.

    2. i think you have a very good paragraph on this assignment but one thing that you could make sure that u explain why u are sad and explain any other feelings that you had but it is very good

  3. One part in Iqbal that really made me sad was when Iqbal was thrown in the tomb for 6 days just because he ran away to save all the children who were being treated very unfairly by their master Hussein Khan. I thought he would die in there so I was also very worried for such a small child I wanted to just free them all at that moment! So you tell it gave me a lot of anger too. This is how it made me feel sad angry and worried.

  4. In the book iqbal there were a few parts that gave me emotions and and one part that made me sad and angry was when iqbal was playing at the church with all these kids when he went home and there was a black car and iqbal followed it and there were five flashes that came from the car and a couple men found iqbal dead on the ground that part in the book made me feel sad mad and sick to my stomach

  5. A scene in this book that shows persecution is when the master, Hussein Khan, forces children to make carpets for his company. He took the children away from their families, and made them make carpets everyday, causing their fingers to bleed and blister. Also, if they ever do something the master doesn't like, he locks them in a tomb for days, with no food or water. This causes sadness and anger to me, because I feel so bad for the poor children who would have to go through that, and I feel frustrated that an adult would actually do something like that to young kids.

  6. (REVISED)

    A part in Iqbal that showed persecution is practically the whole book because master Hussein Khan basically took the children away from their parents to make carpets to pay off a debt that their parents made. Its very unfair because it was the adults fault take the adults instead so the kids can live their life fully and free well the adults sit there and make carpets to sell to people. Also master Hussein Khan treat the kids like there a bunch of animals like when he gives the a certain time to eat their food or threatens them it's very cruel and mean to those poor kids. Doesn't he realize their just little children who don't know as much as he does. So almost this whole book made me sad and angry that someone would treat children that way!

    1. I think that you have done a very good job on your revised version and next time read the message also you have done a great job at it and keep up the good work.

  7. A part in Iqbal that showed persecution is when Hussein gives Iqbal all these jobs in the Carpet Factory and barely gave them enough money ... probably not enough to buy food for themselves. This is very unfair, Hussein should give them enough money to buy food. What i felt when i read this part is very sad and mad because teens should get enough money. This is very very very unfair for teenagers!
